Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I decided I was going to start including my letters again.  This way I will have documented what I write to him as well, feel free to scroll past it to his letter.  This week was seriously a one sentence letter.  You can tell things are happening faster than he is wishing.  Transfers are soon and he is thinking he may be leaving the area which he is hoping to not do.  I told him usually when you are loving it then it usually is a sign it's time to move on.  How hard, he loves it there.  We will see what happens in the next couple of weeks.  Enjoy...
Hello Pal.  The subject line is how many missionaries were full-time as of December 31, 2011.  As I heard Robert Cantwell read that number I couldn't help but be so proud of you and even though it's such a large number.  You are making a difference in the lives of so many.  One person can make a huge difference.  It just really hit me.  I thought a lot about this weekend as we watched the amazing conference.  Knowing that you were watching at the exact time as we were makes it feel like you are right here with us.  What talks were your favorite?  I loved Elder Ballard's about family and the importance of staying on course.  And I really love Elder Anderson's and those three children from Haiti that the dad poured out his heart to his Father in Heaven to have at least one of his children survive and then hearing his baby cry and then his oldest singing "I am a Child of God" and finding that all of his children survive and the darling picture of them.  Truly a miracle.  I love conference.  It is the only time I miss working as an operator as it was a time that I was able to see so many of the General Authorities as they all came into town.

Speaking of GA's,  Elder Hillam passed away this last Thursday.  He is such an amazing man, I love his wife, Sister Hillam.  I was able to be in meetings with her as we served on the Stake Council together and I was saddened to hear of her loss.  They are always together and I feel like she will be lonely in the days and months ahead.  She has a wonderful family, but still hard.  I ran into her and her daughter Bonnie Cordon at Costco and that is when they told me.  It had only been a few hours and I felt bad.  He loved his missionaries.  Those he served with in Brazil as their President and those he had in missionary prep.  I know sometimes it seemed boring, but to know you were taught by one of the best is so great if you think about it.

I was looking today on the Veirsblog and hoping to see a picture of you and sure enough, there was one of you with a conference on March 29.  You always look so happy.  I'm so glad about that. 

I'm gong to forward Masen's letter on dearelder from last week.  He seems to be doing so much better.  I don't know maybe you and him talk/email back and forth.  His mom and family are very thankful for you and the example and words of encouragement you sent him. Thanks pal.

Are you still in the same area?  Seems like you have been there for quite awhile.  But you are doing and making such progress I hope you get to stay if that is where you want to be.  Are things still safe there?  I don't worry too much about you and I'm sure you won't tell me what really goes on, but please stay safe and be obedient.  I know Heavenly Father will watch and protect you as long as you do what you are supposed to be doing.

I was so glad you got your box and that you were so happy with it.  To be honest I love sending them to you.  I send them full of love and with all the faith I have to know you'll get it and so far they have all arrived.  I'll start thinking of another one.  Anything you really need?  Shoes?  Garments?  Cookies, more peanut butter, toothpaste, face wash.  You name and I'll send it in a week or two.

Well, tomorrow starts Spring break.  I will be at work, but it's no dr. day so I will be able to wait for your email and respond and hopefully talk to you.

I love so much pal.  You're such a great son and wonderful missionary.  I continue to pray for you and for the people of Honduras to listen to your message. 

Have a wonderful week.

Love always,


And his email...

Conference...probably, the best day in the mission

What up fam well from the title of this email im coming off a pretty much 3 day pday weekend sincce we just chill and watch conferance hahah so tight i love conferance its great. i loved it ok the 1st session didnt really get to see it but ya i was wondering if they announced any new temples... i dont know no one knows so alright. Then what other talks did i like i Liked Uchtdorf with the Judging and forgivving and i think the message that a ton said was have a mighty change of heart. others and yourself it was awesome also one that was bomb also a 70 i think named larry y wilson or something an old guy with glasses...ok that doesnt really help since all are pretty old and about 65% of them wear glasses but ya it was good. and Andersons where he was just like youre on the path if youre not on all the way change something. In a couple of talks i thought of well xxxxxx  in reality hope she watched and felt something something but ya. By the way i loved the pic of Ezra Fitts dang that kid looks so big. How are the Fitts Doing. anyways this week was good bomb week in the mornings we are hitting the gym still haha so fun then we are working with good famillies we just have to get the paperwork done and ya i can see in april like 4 baptisms if everything goes good so pray for that we had intreviews with Pres Veirs the other day he put our goal as 3 baptisms for april so i hope we can make that possible. anyways this week passed so fast i dont know what all went down it was a great week though changes are in 3 weeks the 18 of Abril one of us will leave i DONT want to leave cause this arrea is so tight but we will see what happens so ya . Well i hope everything is going great i love you all St. George this week sounds sick any other plans you have for the Summer gonna hit up the Bear Lake i hope. I love you all tell everyone hey.

Love Elder Clayton
I was able to be on with him.  Here's our conversation back and forth.
Elder Clayton:  Mom are you on?  How are you?
Mom:  Really good.  How are you.  I forgot to tell you when I heard Come thou Font of Every Blessing I thought of you too.  Love that song and I know you love it too.
What's new in HOnduras this week.

Elder Clayton:  Oh i know that song is so tight from Mo Tab huh so sweet that they did it hey and i was thinking like package right now im good if you just want to liek send me the money you would spend on the packege cause i need some things like just deodrant and stuff but its cheaper here and i want to be done pullling my own money what do you think. bUT also waht is going on in March Madness

Yes, it was Larry Wilson.  And I laughed at the old and glasses, makes it hard to guess.  He was the one that said because I am your husband and I hold the priesthood.  Elder Ucthdorf knows just how to say it.  Stop it!  What a great and easy message to learn and abide by.

Glad you are enjoying where you are.  That's the hard part, seems like when you're happy there, then it's time to move.  Hope you get what you need and the people need too.  You are having such success there and I know it's because you love the gospel and those people.  What a winning combo.

Ezra is growing.  He's adorable.  I keep trying to get him to say Tammy, but so far nothing, just HI. 

How's the weather, still hot & humid.  ha-ha  of course it is right.  Sunny and beautiful here, but cold.

Mom:  Today is the final game, between Kansas vs Kentucky (had to google)  lost interest a few games back.  They are fun to watch and I'm sure we'll be watching tonight.

Thank you for thinking/praying for xxxx.  I know her parents are so worried about her.  Wow, I thought it was such a shocker.  Right now so many making wrong life changing dumb decisions.  Thanks for being where you are and doing what you are doing.  It's exactly what and where you should be.

I just love ya pal...

Elder Clayton:  Thanks mom i love you im bouncin right now love you bye

And then he was off to more missionary stuff.  Love that boy/man.  I went up to Elder Peterson's house yesterday to help his mom start a blog.  We were looking at pictures of our boys(?).  They truly look like boys in the MTC and now look more like men.  Sad and yet exciting too.  The changes in him are so evident in both physical and spiritual ways.  Things that never would have happened if he did not experience a mission.  I'm so thankful for his obedience throughout his life to bless the lives of those in Honduras.  We are all being blessed for his service and sacrifice.  For that I am truly grateful.


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